Friday, March 7, 2008

Second Assignment

Number One: The main character is Alex. Alex seems really smart but also very violent. So far in the novel he's beaten up two men and has stolen a car with his gang friends as well. He's also beaten up another gang but I don't believe that's too bad conidering that they're also in a gang. I know that Alex is the main character because the story is told in his voice.

Number Two: I don't think I can relate to Alex at all. He's in a gang and I'm not. For fun he beats people up. Maybe our beliefs are kind of similar. In the book he knows that his society is kind of a let down and for fun some pepole do create violence just to pass the time. There was also this one part in the book where Alex and his "droogs" beat up an old man. The old man doesn't care and asks Alex to kill him because in today's society the young pick on the old and show the a thing or two. I wasn't so sure if Alex kept beating him because he knew it was true or not. But if he did think it was true then I guess I do feel the same way about todays society as well. It's kind of unfortunate and disturbing but people are in gangs and use gang violence just for fun.

Number Three: So I am Alex. I see the world different from what it use to be. Easier I guess because I am able to basically do whatever I may please. I can obtain a large amount of money because I can easily take it from some helpless man on the street. I hear this lifestyle everywhere with other gangs. The violence, rape, and stealing. I smell different things as well. I smell the sweat dripping from my face after I've beaten up that man preaching about today's society. I can smell the milk from the Korova Milkbar ( a place I continuly return to after the havoc I wrecked). I can also taste the milk and alcohol I purchase. And I feel indifferent because I'm not sure of my next move.

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