Friday, March 28, 2008

Fourth Assignment

So far in my book I have found symbolism and metaphors.
I think metapors are probably the easiest thing to locate because metaphors are
used all the time, even outside of my book.

I know when a sentence or a moment in the book is mataphor
because a metapor is a word or phrase used to descibe something.
In my book some examples are:

-"There's been some very large talk behind my sleeping back and no error."
Basically that means that Alex's "droogs" (friends) have been talking
about him when he isn't around. Not literally standing behind his back and talking
about him.

-" So we came nice and quiet to this domy called The Manse, and
there were globe lights outside on iron stalks, like gurading the front door on
each side..." This means that lights were very tall. They weren't litterally
outside gurding the doors to the house.

These are both examples of metaphors.
This is an example of symbolism:

-It would probably be the "milk bar" that Alex and his "droogs" always
go to. After they cause trouble or rob someone, beat someone up, rape someone, ect..
They always go back to the milkbar as if the milkbar is there sanctuary.
The people who even work at the milkbar always say that they've been there and only
there that night. So they basically cover them and lie to authorities about them
being at the milkbar when they're really causing havoc.

I don't really have an example of an allegory. Not one that I know of yet at least.
And as for the project for my book. Well before I started reading this book, I looked up online
so I pretty much know quite alot to say that the project is karma.
No example or details as to why I think that but I know that the book is about karma.

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