Thursday, February 28, 2008

First Assignment

I chose A Clockwork Orange for my book. Honestly the only reason why I chose it was because of my dad and my uncle. My dad and my uncle happen to be twins and on their birthday weekend we went to target to go look at movies. My uncle, dad and I are movie freaks, it’s intense. Hah. Anywho, they told me I could pick a movie so I was looking and looking and I came across A Clockwork Orange. I had heard the movie was really weird and I like weird. It gives character. Anywho, I asked them if we could get it and my uncle freaked. He said no you cannot get that movie. You shouldn’t be allowed to watch it. First of all, HELLO! I’m almost 18 and second of all, it was kind of pricey. So I’m guessing that’s the only reason why he didn’t want me to get it. But of course they knew what the movie was about because they watched it before. Lame. Lame. Lame.
All in all, I chose this book because I heard the movie was weird/ good/not so good/ really weird/ ect.. So now I’m gonna read it because for one, I’ll be able to know what it’s about and why it’s so bad and for two, my uncle said he didn’t want me to watch it, he never said anything about reading it, right?


Mr. Downing said...

lol- i was always aloud to read anything, but never aloud to watch TV

jacob sharrah said...

a clockwork orange?? that book just sounds weird! lol i heard about it and all, a heard it was good and bad and weird and twisted and everything else! but yea, hope u have fun reading it and enjoy it!

-jacob sharrah

Anthony Noriega said...

when u done reading it u gotta tell me about it ku??

arikins said...

You're letting me read that like as soon as your done bahahahahhahahhah